Behavioural Counselling for Pets

Create an atmosphere in which your cat or dog may express themselves without disrupting others.

If your pet displays bad behaviours or habits you’re bound to feel helpless if you try to fix it on your own. Training your pet can give you peace of mind for their safety and anyone else they interact with. At Fredericton Animal Hospital we recognize the importance of having a properly trained pet as it makes it easier to give them the loving care they need.

How can I tell if my pet needs behavioural counselling?

The visible signs of bad behaviour that you see in your pet may be related to serious health issues. For this reason it is important you have your pet evaluated by a veterinarian if they display any of these signs:

  • Excessively licking themselves until fur comes off
  • Excessive barking
  • Pacing, panting and whining
  • Hiding
  • House soiling

To have your pet assessed by one of our veterinarians, call 506-455-1700.

When is behavioural counselling recommended for my pet?

Our team recommends behavioural counselling when the behaviours you’re noticing in your pet may cause harm. If your pet’s bad behaviours pose a threat to themselves, the rest of your family or other pets, then their quirky behaviours need to be assessed and curbed.

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