Deworming Services for Pets

Keep your pet healthy through regular deworming to prevent health issues caused by parasites.

Worms can live inside your pet and bring harm to them and sometimes to the rest of your family. Some worms are zoonotic which means they can be passed on to different species like humans. This is why deworming your pets is so important. It doesn’t matter how guarded your pets are, they can still get worms from other animals and their surroundings. As part of our preventative treatment program our hospital protects our patients from worms and offers testing and treatment.

What are common worms in pets?

Common worms that may infect your pet are:

  1. Whipworm
  2. Heartworm
  3. Roundworm
  4. Ringworm
  5. Tapeworm
  6. Hookworm

What are signs my pet has worms?

Pets who are infested with worms sometimes have diarrhea, bloody stool, weight loss, abdominal pain or a dull coat. Once you notice any of these signs you should schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. Our team will run tests to determine which worms are affecting your pet. Call 506-455-1700 to book an appointment.

When should I deworm my kitten or puppy?

Puppies and kittens need to be dewormed every two weeks from 2 to 12-weeks-old and again when they are 16-weeks-old. Even if your puppy/kitten’s mother is on deworming medication they are still vulnerable to getting worms.

Our deworming program ensures when your pet gets older they are dewormed at the age of 6 months and 1-year-old.

How are worms treated in pets?

First, we run tests to identify the presence of worm eggs or protein in the blood. Our team will collect a stool sample and use a microscope to check or take a blood sample. If worms are identified, we provide deworming medication in the form of tablets, injections, topical cream or liquids. Even though a number of deworming treatments are over-the-counter, you should always have your pet assessed and diagnosed by a veterinarian first.

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