Senior Care

Ensuring that your loyal companion is healthy and comfortable during their golden years.

As your furry friend enters their golden years, they require special care. Your senior pet undergoes many changes which lead to an increased possibility of them developing illnesses. This is why our veterinarians recommend routine examinations to catch any signs of illness. Senior pets need two veterinary exams each year. At Fredericton Animal Hospital our senior pet exams typically include bloodwork, mobility evaluation, uterine testing and full physical exam.

How can I tell if my pet is getting older?

There are many signs you can use to tell if your pet is getting older. These signs happen slowly overtime and so it helps that you pay close attention to your furry friends. As you notice changes you should relay them to your veterinarian so your pet can be examined. Here are some signs your pet is getting older:

  • Less playful/ active
  • Eyelid tumours
  • Greying on top of the head or chest and muzzle
  • Poor eyesight and hearing
  • Decrease/increase in drinking, eating and urination
  • More lumps

At what age is my pet considered a senior?

This may vary according to each pet based on their breed. Smaller breed dogs to medium-sized dogs are considered seniors from age eight to ten. Bigger breed dogs between five or six are considered seniors. Cats are generally considered seniors from eight years and older. We encourage you to reach out to our veterinarians to help determine if your individual pet is a senior. To schedule an appointment call 506-455-1700.

What are common health issues in senior pets?

As your loyal companion gets older their health begins to decline. Senior pets need regular exams to catch illnesses in the early stages. Our hospital regularly sees senior pets suffering from:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Obesity
  • Arthritis
  • Hormone disorder
  • Liver and kidney problems
  • Cancer
  • Alzheimer’s disease

If your pet is suffering from any of these conditions, our team at Fredericton Animal Hospital will work with you to develop a plan that can treat symptoms related to their aging. Our entire team’s top priority is to have your senior pet live a normal, healthy and happy life.

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